Genesis 25:12-13 NKJV
Then Isaac sowed in the land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous…
God’s economy does not function like the world’s economy. In fact, it is the opposite!
On one instance (Mark 8):
Jesus used 7 loaves, a few fish, fed 4000 people, with 7 basketful leftovers.
On another instance (John 6):
Jesus used 5 loaves, 2 fish, fed 5000 people, with 12 basketful leftovers.
Amazingly, it took Jesus less (5 not 7 loaves) to feed more people (5000 not 4000), which also resulted with more leftovers (12 not 7) too! This is what heaven’s economy look like!
In the eyes of God, the greater the problem, the easier it is for Him!
Look to Jesus who will take care of all our problems, and let us boldly ask Him for big things!
In every demand, Jesus is our supply. However, He does not merely supply. He over-supplies!
See the basketful of leftovers: there is always more than enough 🙂
In every single famine as seen from the bible, God’s people always prospered. This covid famine is no different. In fact, it is a great time to sow financial seeds though it may not seem logical to do so. Isaac sowed in the year of famine and he prospered a hundredfold in that very same year!
Whatever we give to Jesus cannot but multiply!
Take heart! ♥️ God takes care of His own children and His heart ❤️ is for us to prosper in all things!
(3 John 1:2)
All glory to Jesus!