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Victory Over Mental Afflictions

If you are feeling a sense of suppression/depression/oppression, it is the enemy’s affliction. 

His tactic is to attack the imaginations of your heart with pictures of darkness, gloom, a sense of hopelessness/helplessness/impossibility. He may use pictures of past experiences to reinforce that hopelessness. If he can get to your heart, he can make you remain down-down-dooby-doo-down-down.

Don’t be confused. It doesn’t mean you need deliverance. Believers may feel oppressed, but cannot be possessed.
The Holy Spirit does not share your body with another spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).

how then can we overcome this distress?

Do not fight the negative thoughts/feelings, do not fight against the gloomy, repetitive visions.
Only feed. Only set your mind on the visions of His word, which is His power to replace all the negativity in our hearts

Hearing and Seeing are the only gateway to the heart (Proverbs 4:20-22).
When we are filled up by His imaginations (seeing) of goodness, our hearts are fortified. 
What we allow through our eye gate and ear gate matters.
Social media/news does not help. Netflix breeds more negativity within us. 

Here are His pictures of hope:

Jeremiah 29:11 MSG
I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out – plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.

Proverbs 4:18 AMP
But the path of the just (righteous) is like the light of dawn,
That shines brighter and brighter until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day.

See how glorious your future is! You (who are made righteous by His grace) can ONLY get better and brighter

What happens when what we see and hear about His word drops into our heart?
They are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body (Prov 4:22).

Yes, sometimes instant healing happens through the operating by the gifts of the Spirit, but the norm is that His word brings forth healing: penetrating into our soul (soul prosperity) and then penetrates into our bodies (health and wholeness). 

Do not belittle the power of His Word and visions. It is creative and forms.
Long before something happens, it was first conceived in our heart.
Only See our bodies in great health! See our future filled with great success!
As it is believed in our hearts, they come to pass

Only Keep on seeing and hearing His visions and words.
Let them deeply saturate into our heart.
The more depressed/oppressed we feel, the more we need Him. 

Today, I declare that no weapons formed against you can prosper. I speak the eyes of your heart be enlightened and His supply of creative visions fill your heart afresh to see the hope and future that Jesus has given us!
I speak that lies, addictions and lusts die now, and He supply the strength for us to guard our eye gates and ear gates. Only good awaits us! 
