Romans 5:20 ESV
…but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more…
Grace = unmerited, unearned, undeserved favour
Abounded all the more = huperperisseuo (in the greek) = hyper + overflowing
In other words, where sin increased,
This verse literally means that in any area of sin/weaknesses/failures/attacks, God has already released a far greater measure of His unmerited favour in those areas! There is hope for all of us! Our shortcomings, mistakes, regrets and stupidity qualify for His disproportionate favour on us! This is the abundant life that Jesus came to give us!
It is never by our works/striving/strength/self-effort that we obtain any favour or blessings, but it is by His grace that we can freely receive undeservingly!
When Adam sinned, all the bad came – curses, sicknesses, poverty, death, etc.
When Jesus(Grace) came, all these were reversed with extra grace added on top of it!
In other words,
– where poverty increased, provision superabounded!
– where sicknesses increased, divine health superabounded!
– Where curses increased, blessings superabounded!
Hmmmm…this sounds too good to be true…
Well, the only thing in this world that can sound that good is the Good News (Gospel) of Grace, because Jesus is really that good. He took the bad that we deserved, so that we can receive the good that we do not deserve 🙂
If we have doubts about His superabounding grace, let us look to the Word:
When baby Jesus was born into the world, satan tried to kill Him through king Herod, who massacred all the boys in Bethlehem below the age of 2 (Matt 2:16) – sin increased. However, he could not stop Jesus from prevailing and eventually becoming the Life-giver for many many more people. What satan meant for death is incomparable to God’s eternal life for the entire world – grace superabounded!
Can you see that God is really that good? Yes, there is hope for us all because He can supernaturally turn all our trials around for good. We can believe Jesus’s superabounding grace in whatever areas or challenge we face!
– If there has been a loss, get ready for restoration greater in quality/quantity!
– If there has been anxiety attacks, get ready for aggressive peace like never before!
– If covid increases, know that God had already released healing anointing of incredible measure to have made the devil tremble in such a manner, trying to catch-up with God!
Reverse what the devil is doing and we will see what God is doing in the world and in our lives 🙂 In fact, in this season, many more are hearing this Gospel of Grace than ever before! What the evil intended for bad, God is using it for good! Where sin increased, Grace superabounded!
Take heart ♥️! Fear not! The world may get darker and darker but the path of the righteous shines brighter☀️ and brighter☀️ (Proverbs 4:18)!